


2024年5月15日,营销与传播办公室 学生的成就


密尔沃基,威斯康星州—— 周四, 5月2日, 威斯康辛州路德 College held its annual Honors Convocation in the Chapel, where scholarships and special awards were given to recognize students from nearly every academic program. Dr. 内德·法利 学院的发言人出席了活动吗.


Dr. 内德·法利在荣誉毕业典礼上的演讲


克鲁格家庭会计奖学金: Mikayla Getka
奖励支持, 承认, 鼓励, and promote a junior or senior student who desires to enter the field of accounting, 根据会计部门的意见.

阿赫伯特. 弗莱舍纪念奖学金: 丽贝卡Luckwaldt
Presented to recognize and 鼓励 an outstanding sophomore biology major.

劳伦·埃文·蒙图尔·特斯克,DDS,硕士奖学金: 马蹄莲Treder
奖励支持, 承认, 鼓励, and promote a junior or senior female biology major who plans to pursue graduate studies in the health sciences, with preference given to someone who is interested in a career in dentistry.

Cheri Metzger商业女性奖学金: 恩典Hennen
奖励支持, 承认, 鼓励, and promote a junior or senior female student majoring in the field of business, 商学院教员委员会根据提交的论文选择谁.

WLC投资俱乐部会员奖学金: Mikayla Getka
Awarded by the Warrior Investment Club to an active club member to support, 承认, 鼓励, and promote students who show excellence in their Investment Club activities and throughout campus.

WLC投资俱乐部商务专业奖学金: 以利亚Strutz
由勇士投资俱乐部颁发给一个商科专业的学生支持, 承认, 鼓励, and promote students who show excellence in their academic achievements and school activities throughout campus.

玛丽·海因斯杰出传播学奖学金: 罗伯特Jenewein
面试对象为传媒专业,GPA不低于3分.4 in the major; demonstrates exemplary writing, 公众演讲, 教室里的领导, and interpersonal skills; and demonstrates a commitment to Christian servant 领导 on campus, 在教堂, 或者在社区中.

Didaskalos奖: 莉迪亚·格林,秋·普兹比拉
Presented to an education major who demonstrates concern for student achievement and welfare, 持续学习的欲望, 和个人的基督教价值观.

英语奖学金: Elysa尼尔
奖励支持, 承认, 鼓励, and promote an English major who will be a junior or senior and who demonstrates academic excellence in this field of study.

文艺复兴时期的奖项: 麦迪森Buch
Presented to a multi-dimensional scholar citizen and English major whose contribution to English courses and the larger community is outstanding.

丹和丽莎·莱菲尔历史奖: 杰森弗雷
提出支持, 承认, 鼓励, 并促进学生选择进入历史领域.

格伦和贝丝·汤普森历史奖学金: 乔什·诺里斯
奖励支持, 承认, 鼓励, 促进学生选择主修和辅修历史, 是历史系推荐的.

梅尔文和马里昂·梅耶人类社会服务奖学金: 劳拉Kvidt
Presented to a full-time human social services major who consistently demonstrates servant 领导 through serving the needs of others.

大一数学优秀奖: Megan Grow, Ryan Henning, Richard Hill, Zoe preup
Presented to students for outstanding performance during their freshman year in mathematics courses at the level of Calculus 1 or higher.


金竖琴奖: Elisa哈顿
Awarded in recognition of talent and contributions to the programs of the music department of 威斯康辛州路德 College.

如歌的奖项: 劳伦·巴特勒
Presented to a student who has demonstrated 领导 and excellence in the choral program at 威斯康辛州路德 College.

宣传奖: 科林赛尔尼
Presented to a student in recognition of musical talent and contributions to the music department in the area of instrumental music.

护士先锋奖: 麦迪逊勒
Presented to a nursing student who has demonstrated exceptional 领导 qualities such as courage, 创造力, 或前一年的服务.

西格玛Theta Tau国际护理荣誉协会: 特里西娅等候, 凯蒂·布朗, 约瑟芬Cronce, 佩顿哈特曼, 艾拉Karll, Kacey Mietsner, 丽迪雅Ohde, 克洛伊本片
Recognition for those nursing students who have been invited to become a member of the Honor Society. Eligibility for invitation to the society includes nursing students who have demonstrated professionalism, 领导, 和学术诚信.

开普勒物理学奖: Alyssa Ebeling
Presented to a student who is pursuing a major or minor in physics and who exhibits virtues of the intellect and of character.

法学预科奖学金: 伊森豪
Awarded to qualified junior or senior pre-law students as a way to recognize their academic and co-curricular achievements, as well as to financially support them in preparation for eventual law school studies and future careers as attorneys.

Pi Sigma Alpha国家政治科学荣誉学会: 海莉·奥尔森,梅兰妮·桑切斯
Presented to eligible WLC juniors and seniors who illustrate academic achievement by virtue of meeting 三个 criteria: one, they completed at least one-half the credits required by their institution for the baccalaureate degree; and, two, they must have completed at least ten semester-credits of work in political science related courses including at least one upper-division course, with an average grade of B or higher in those courses; and, 三个, they must have achieved an overall GPA placing them in the top one-third of their whole class.

心理学仆人领袖奖学金: 威尔逊的伊莱娜
Awarded to a psychology major who has demonstrated Christ-centered servant 领导 in WLC-sponsored service projects and is an active participant in WLC Psycho-Social Club.

心理学新星奖学金: Leilanie卢比奥

2024年Psi Chi入会

Psi Chi全国心理学荣誉学会: Jenna Bickel, Jacqueline Farias, Abigail Pechman, Karina Qualmann, Lydia Weimer
Presented to a psychology major or minor who has demonstrated excellence in academic achievement in psychology and a commitment to psychological science and Christian service.

多洛雷斯·E. 鲁道夫奖学金: Kaylee Nelson, Morgan Ferguson, Jose Argueta
Awarded to a sophomore or junior who has declared a sport and exercise science major, 累积平均分是3分.0分或更高,并且在课堂上表现出承诺.

梅耶家庭奖学金: 凯莉Cadeau
授予成绩累计达到3分的大二或大三学生.平均绩点0或更高, 已宣布辅修教练或运动科学专业, 并且在这two学术领域都表现出色.

雷和丹尼斯·特雷尔奖学金: 杰西·凯利
授予体育与运动科学专业的学生. 候选人必须是大二或大三学生,累积GPA不低于2分.8或以上.

Willems-Kuehl奖学金: 凯拉罗
颁发给体育与运动科学专业的学生. 候选人必须是大三或大四,并保持了3.5个学期平均绩点2.

简·纳尔逊·贡珀戏剧表演优秀奖: 坎德拉波伊尔
Presented to a graduating theatre major who has demonstrated exemplary commitment to his or her development as an actor through a professional approach in the classroom, 排练, and performances; with self-motivation pushing 创造力, 承担风险, 并表现出明显的基督徒品格.

杰伊·西琴戏剧艺术优秀奖: 加伊拉Mixdorf
Presented to a graduating theatre major who has demonstrated and developed a voracious appetite for multiple areas of theatre knowledge and experience and a driving desire for inquiry and exploration, 以及他们对课堂活动的贡献, 工作室, 商店, 舞台就是一个典范.

罗杰·弗莱明高级学者运动员奖: 瑞恩·布勒克尔,莱西·马丁
Presented to a graduating senior who over at least seven semesters has maintained a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.4, 在某项运动中获得至少两封校队信, 并在校园里展示了基督教的领导力.

基督教领袖证书: Madalyn DuPrey, 艾萨克·克莱默, 凯莉Mattek, 本杰明禁令试行期, 乔尔·佩雷斯·门多萨, 约翰Rolsma, 卡特施耐德, Lillia托马斯, 迈克尔·瓦格纳, 格兰特Wempner
Awarded to graduating seniors who successfully completed the 基督教领袖 Certificate Program, recognizing their commitment to Christian servant 领导 with excellence.

沙龙一. 舍内克基督教妇女领袖奖学金: 艾拉·博格沃特,阿莱西亚·诺伊曼
Awarded to 承认, 鼓励, and promote the tremendous talents of our young Christian women.

WLC校友奖学金: 莎拉·弗雷德里克
颁发给在学术上表现优异的学生, 课外学习参与, 和基督教品格.

Gary and Sandra Greenfield基督教领袖奖学金: 斯蒂芬妮·谢弗,格蕾丝·亨南,劳拉·赞克
颁发给表现出模范基督徒领导能力的学生, as demonstrated to us by the college's first full-time president and his wife.

毕业典礼演讲嘉宾: 汉斯Rupnow